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What is a kaomoji?

A kaomoji (顔文字) is a Japanese-style emoticon made up of keyboard characters that express emotions or actions. Unlike Western emoticons (e.g., 🙂 or :P), kaomoji often use a combination of letters, symbols, and punctuation marks to create more detailed and expressive faces, often including eyes, mouths, and even arms.

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For example:

  • Happy: (^▽^) or ヽ(・∀・)ノ
  • Sad: (╥_╥) or (´;д;`)
  • Angry: (`Д´) or (╬ಠ益ಠ)
  • Cute actions: (っ´ω`c) or (ノ゚▽゚)ノ

Fun fact: Taylor Swift is known for using kaomoji in her online posts! For example, she once shared “\(^▽^)/” in a tweet to express excitement. Kaomoji adds a playful and personal touch to digital communication, making it popular worldwide.